You Raise Me Up as sung by Rev. Delores Berry
We have a Memorial Garden with extended tributes to some of our saints.
- Scott
- Unidentified White Male , The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Unidentified White Male , The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Schwyn L. Brown, aChurch4Me, Chicago, IL.
- Greg Abbe
- Wat Abbot
- Donald Abbott
- Rev. Elder Arlene Ackerman, Elder UFMCC
- Bob Adams, MCC Pittsburgh, PA
- Bryan Mark Adams, MCC of the Gentle Shepherd, Vancouver, WA
- Joseph Henry Adams, The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Lew Adams
- Reginald Adams, Jr., The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Frank Alexander Adkins, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Oziel Sáenz Aguilar, ICM Casa de Luz
- Charles Alexander, MCC Detroit
- Tom Allard, MCC United Church in the Valley
- Gregory Allen
- Stanley Almodovar, III, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Jeff Alons
- Jeffrey Alan Alons
- Amanda Alvear, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Tony Alviar, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Fred Alvidrez
- Rev. A. Austin Amerine, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Rev. Brad Anderson
- Guy D. Anderson, The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Johnny Robert Anderson, All God’s Children, Minneapolis, MN
- Baby Anthony
- Keith Apple, MCC of the Redwood Empire, CA EXCEL International
- Oscar A Aracena-Montero, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Camille Araullo, Mobilizing Love
- Gina Armstrong, Jesus MCC (now lifeJourney), Indianapolis, IN
- Bill Van Arsdalen
- Bruce W. Ashcraft, Jr, Holy Cross MCC, Pensacola, FL
- JJ Asher, MCC United Church in the Valley
- Deacon CJ Ashton, Sunshine Cathedral MCC, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- Daniel Aston, Club Q, Colorado Springs
- Bernard Atcheler, Good Shepherd MCC, Granville, Australia
- Mavis Atcheler, Good Shepherd MCC, Granville, Australia
- Rev Janet Avery
- Rodolfo Ayala-Ayala, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Rev. John Ayres
- Fredrick Douglas Babcock, MCC Detroit, MI
- Joe William Bailey, The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Rev. Mel Bailey
- Joan E. Baker
- Daven Balcomb
- Daylen Balcomb
- Joey Ball, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Peter Barchi
- George Barr
- Renee Barrett-Arjune, Member, MCC New York, USA
- Kendra Bartel, Valley Ministries MCC, Stockton, CA.
- Kendra Bartels, Valley Ministries MCC, Stockton, CA
- Dave Barton, King of Peace MCC, St. Petersburg, Florida
- Les Bates
- Leslie Jacob Bates
- Edward Baxter, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Russell Baxter, MCC London, Canada
- Archbishop Carl Bean
- Estella ‘E.T.’ Mae Beaver-Thomas, MCC Los Angeles
- Eddie Beeker
- David Belknap, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Fred Bengay
- Dan Bennett
- Stan Bennett, MCC Pittsburgh, PA
- Brad Benson, MCC Detroit, MI
- Charlie Bentrup, MCC in the Valley
- Rev. Ron Bergeron, MCC Ottawa, Canada
- Graham Andrew Berkeley
- Stuart Bermudez
- Michael Ray Bernard, MCC New Life, MCC DC, MCC Baltimore & Vision of Hope MCC
- Rev. Laurence Bernier, MCC Boston, MCC Providence, MCC Worcester, MCC Hartford
- Rev. Delores Berry, UFMCC Evangelist
- Rev. Lisa Berry, MCC Dallas
- Anore Beverly
- Rev. Mark Bidwell, MCC Detroit, MI
- Mark Bingham, Hero of Flight 93, September 11, 2001
- Wayne Bird
- Keith Bishop
- Scott Bishop
- Rev. Carl Bivens
- Sunshine Blaker
- Rev. Ken Bland
- Rev. Brenda Blizzard, MCC Detroit, MI & Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Bob Bodycomb, Saint John The Apostle MCC, Fort Myers FL
- Luther Boggs, The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Phyllis Marie Bordynoski, MCC Detroit
- Bruce Bowles, Good Shepherd MCC, Granville, Australia
- Robert (Bob) Boxma, MCC Toronto, Canada
- Pamela Boyce
- Larry Boyd
- Bill Boyles
- Ron Braithwaite
- Sonny Brassart, MCC Las Vegas, NV
- Jim ‘Fuzzy’ Bridges, MCC Paducah, KY
- Gary A. Brigham
- Harry Britt, Gay Right champion
- Rev. James T. (Jimmy) Brock, Joy MCC, Orlando, FL
- Andre David Brooks
- Michael Brousard
- Louis Horace Broussard, The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Antonio Davon Brown, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Christine Brown, Good Shepherd MCC, Granville, Australia
- Dan Brown, MCC Portland, Oregon
- Dr. Jack Davis Brown, Open Arms MCC, Pahoa, HI
- Kerry Brown
- Marty Brown, Love MCC, Las Vegas
- Rick Brown, MCC London, Canada
- Rev. Lew Broyles, MCC Milwaukee, Wisconsin, MCC Jackson, MS
- Vernon Bruette, MCC New York City
- Michael Brumfield
- Scott Bryant, husband of Justin Ryan
- Steve Budd
- Doug Bull
- Bruce Bunger
- Bob Burns
- Rev Jim Burns
- Rev. Houston Burnside, MCC San Diego
- Darryl Roman Burt, II, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Lee Bush
- Chris Byren
- Neil Byrne
- Randy C.
- Darren Caffey, Holy Covenant MCC, Chicago, IL
- John Calhoun
- Marcos Calixto
- Grosvenor Calkins, MCC Boston, MA
- Rev. David Callentine, First pastor of Angels of Hope
- Franklin Calvin, UFMCC Staff
- Dale Cambel
- Robinson Cameron
- Cynthia Campbell
- Dallas Canada
- Angel L. Candelario-Padro, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Mark Cardwell
- Rev. Jane Carl, MCC Pomona Valley, Pomona, California
- Rev. Rusty Carlson, MCC Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada
- Reverend Ken Carroll, The Rock MCC, Chattanooga, TN
- Rev. Steve Carson, MCC Boston
- John Christopher Carter, MCC of the Rockes, Denver, CO
- Nicholas Carter
- T. Randy Carter
- Fred Casstevens, MCC of Greater St. Louis, MO
- David A. Castagna
- Rev. Ken Caton, MCC Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada
- David M. Charlebois
- LaForest Charmaine, MCC Windsor, Ontario, Canaada
- Rev. Dale Chavis, MCC Of Greater St. Louis
- Juan Chevez-Martinez, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Casey Chisholm
- Rita Cisneros
- Boe Clark
- Eugene Clark
- Mae Clark, Good Shepherd MCC, Granville, Australia
- Louie Clay, Founder of Integrity
- Scott Cleaver
- Steve Clover
- Mike Clumack
- Robert Coates
- Rev. Robert Coats, Open Circle MCC
- Fernando Codina
- Dennis Colella
- Joseph Collins, MCC Boston, MA
- Michael Collins
- Jeffrey Dwane Collman
- Luis Daniel Conde, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Cory James Connell, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Douglas J. Connolly
- Pastor Egay Constantino, MCC Makati, Philippines
- Dr. Allan Cook, MCC Springfield, IL
- Dottie Cook, MCC Pensacola, Florida
- Herbert Dean Cooley, The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Gerald ‘Jerry’ Corlis, Hope MCC, Daytona Beach, FL
- Dennis Costello, MCC London, Canada
- Jim Costello
- David Costoges
- Rev. Bill Coulter
- Heather Cox, Open Circle MCC
- Mary Coyle
- Marie ‘Crash’ Craig, MCC Omaha, NE
- Irene Crawford, MCC Great Falls, MT
- Paul Crawford
- George ‘Buddy’ Cressy, MCC of the Rockies, Denver, CO
- Alfie Crickett, MCC Brighton, England, UK
- Rev. Jo Crisco, Trinity MCC
- Tevin Eugene Crosby, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Rev. Robert Cross
- Rev. Frank Crouch
- Rev. Phil Crum
- Tom Culpepper
- Arthur Cunningham
- Robert Cunningham, MCC Detroit, MI
- Terry Curry, MCC Topeka
- Marguerite Curtis, MCC Detroit & Faith Eternal MCC in Springfield, IL.
- Pat Cutter, Saint John The Apostle MCC, Fort Myers FL
- Gregg Cutts
- Rev. Randy Cyphred
- Judy Dale, Great Lakes District Coordinator
- Alma Jean ‘Jeannie’ Daniel, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Helen Daniels, MCC Baltimore, MD
- Rev. Judy Davenport, South East District Coordinator
- Rev. Judy Davenport
- Jimmy Farless Davis, Bethel MCC, Birmingham, AL
- Jim Dawson, Good Shepherd Parish MCC, Chicago, IL
- John Dawson
- Alonso de Angel, ICM Christo Sanador, Rio Piedas, Puerto Rico
- Doug De Young
- Rev. Jay Deacon, Good Shepherd Parish MCC, Chicago
- Brett Dean
- Adam DeBaugh
- Patrick Debenport
- Peaches Delight, MCC San Antonio
- Dick Denton, MCC Pomona Valley, Pomona, CA
- Michael Denton
- Denise ‘Torie’ Derrickson, MCC NOVA, VA
- Carol Detrick, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Bonnie Dlouhy, Christos MCC, Toronto, Canada
- John P Doner
- Deonka Deidra Drayton, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Ron Driscol
- Lorne Dubary, MCC London, Canada
- Rev. Yvette Dube, MCC San Diego, CA
- Alex Dubes, MCC London, Canada
- Luke A. Dudek
- Donald Walter Dunbar, The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Rev. Celena Duncan, Good Shepherd Parish MCC, Chicago, IL
- Rev. Larry Dunlap
- Rev. Jim Dykes
- LeRoy Dysert, MCC in the Valley
- Mel Easton
- Rev. David Eckert
- Rev. Ernie Edwards, Mobile, AL
- Ray Efrid
- Enrique David Bragayrac Elias
- Bob Elliot
- Hal Emory
- Ovidio Enclean, Jr.
- Harold English, MCC Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
- Millie English, MCC Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
- David Eplee, Holy Covenant MCC, Chicago, IL
- Anne Erskine, Christos MCC, Toronto, Canada
- Tom Ethier
- Eric Dale Eubanks, The Rock MCC, Chattanooga
- Rev. Herbert Evans
- Thomas (Thom) Everson, Tinity MCC, Gainesville, FL
- Rev. Paul Fairley, MCC Toronto, Canada
- Chuck Farewell
- Larry Farmer
- Rev. David Farrell, MCC San Diego, San Diego, California
- Cornell Farrow
- Tony Faust
- Rev. John Feagan
- J. Joseph Ferguson
- Leroy Valentin Fernandez, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Simon Adrian Carrillo Fernandez, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Margaret (Maggie) Ferrell, MCC Los Angeles
- Wayne Fessler
- Bruce Fetherolf
- Russ Fetters
- Maria Alejandra Finucchi, ICM Berazategui
- Arnold Fisher, Good Shepherd MCC, Granville, Australia
- David Fisher
- Mercedez Marisol Flores, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Sean D. Flores, UFMCC Staff
- Byron Floyd
- Carol Ann Flyzik
- Adam Roland Fontenot, The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Rev. Grant Lynn Ford, Sunshine Cathedral MCC, Fort Lauderdale, FL
- Jim Forrest, Saint John The Apostle MCC, Fort Myers FL
- Kim Fowler, Holy Covenant MCC, Chicago, IL
- Paul Wells Francis
- Charlie Fredrickson, MCC Palm Beaches
- Steve Freeman
- Richard Fromm
- Larry Norman Frost, The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Vito Galeoto
- Roberto Galindo
- Lois Gallenberger, Wichita Falls MCC, TX
- Phillip Gallnitz
- Scott Galuteria
- Ronald L. Gamboa
- Ana Lilia Garcia, Puentes de Luz ICM Querétaro
- Chris Garcia
- Dr. Stephen Garrison, MCC Longview, Longview, TX
- Wendell Garwood
- David Stuart Gary, The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Rev. Debbie Gaston, MCC Brighton, England, UK
- Rev. Ron Gee, MCC Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada
- H. Robert Gersten
- Horace ‘Skip’ Getchell, The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Patti Gibbs, Reconciliation MCC, Grand Rapids, MI
- Rev. Vickey Gibbs, Resurrection MCC, Houston, TX
- John Gibson, MCC London, Canada
- Rev. Joseph Gilbert
- Lovedy Gilbert
- Chris Gill-West
- Peter Girardin, MCC Coachella Valley, CA
- Rev. Jim Glyer
- Rev. Todd Goewey
- John Thomas Golding, Sr., The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Rev. Wayne Gollihan
- Rev. Roberto Gonzalez, MCC Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Peter O. Gonzalez-Cruz, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Deborah (Burkholder) Goodman, Niece of Dale Burkholder
- Gerald Hoyt Gordon, The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Rev. Art Green, 1st Pastor of Holy Covenant MCC, Chicago, IL
- Rev. Arthur Green
- Glenn Richard ‘Dick’ Green, The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Linda Lucille Gregory, MCC Louisville, KY
- Frank Lenn Grigsby, Spirit of hope MCC, Kansas City, MO
- Jared Gross, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Robert H. Guentherman, Jr., MCC Austin, TX
- Juan Ramon Guerrero, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Rev. Dr. Gwynne Guibord
- Michael Guigar, MCC Detroit
- Kim Habermann
- Jan Hadley
- Roger Hall
- Virgil Hall
- James Walls Hambrick, The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Fred Hamilton, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Ric Hand
- Rev. Brian Hanlon
- Sandy Hardin, Resurrection MCC, Houston, TX
- Bernard Harkin
- Michail Harner
- Craig Harnett
- Joe Harper
- Kenneth Paul Harrington, The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Rev. Jim Harris
- Paula Harris, Heartland MCC
- Inock Harrison
- Rev. Dr. Rodger Harrison, Founder MCC Christ Chapel, Santa Anna, CA
- Rev. Jean Hart, Lavender Road MCC, Santa Cruz, CA
- Fr. Mike Hartl
- Rev. Elder Jeri Ann Harvey
- Rev. Margaret Hawk, New Creation MCC, Columbus, Ohio
- Barbara Haws, Trinity MCC, Gainesville, FL
- James Michael Hayes, MCC Boston, MA
- Shirley Hayward, Reconciliation & Redeemer MCC
- Rev. Bruce Heil
- Sheila M.S. Hein
- Robin Lynn Helfrich, MCC Illiana, Portage, IN
- Barry Walter Heller, Good Shepherd MCC, Granville, Australia
- Paul Henderson, Good Shepherd Parish MCC, Chicago, IL
- John F. Hennessey, Jr.
- Paul Terrell Henry, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Rev. Jack Herman
- Frank Hernandez, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Patrick Leo Herndon
- Bill Herter
- Diane Hewitt, Church of the Trinity MCC “
- Virginia “”Ginny”” Higgins, MCC Topeka ”
- James Highland
- Rev. Bruce Hill
- Bruce Hill
- Charles ‘Chuck’ Hill, MCC Paducah, Paducah, KY
- Peter Hill
- Rev. Randall Hill
- Frank Hlapchik, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Inger Hogan, MCC of the Palm Beaches
- Sean-Partrick Hogan, Good Shepherd Parish MCC, Chicago, IL
- Rev. Jack (St. John) Hoggatt, MCC San Francisco
- Jim Hohman
- Jim Hohmann, MCC Detroit, MI
- Ross Holits
- Miguel Angel Honorato, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Dale Hooks, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Bill Hooper, UFMCC Staffer
- Darwin ‘Duke’ Hopps, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Werner Horn, Good Shepherd MCC, Granville, Australia
- Bob Horton, MCC Winston-Salem, North Carolina
- Rev. John Hose
- Rev. Joe Houle, MCC Pittsburgh, PA
- Haviland Houston
- Kati Houts, Holy Covenant MCC
- Scott Howell
- William A. ‘Bill’ Huffman, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- David Hughes
- Rev. Ken Hull, Senior, Angels of Hope MCC
- Arthur John Humphries, Good Shepherd MCC, Granville, Australia
- Dale Hunter, MCC Joplin, MCC Denver, MCC Huntsville, MCC Portland, MCC Pomona Valley, MCC in the Valley, Spirit of Hope, Kansas City, MO
- Richard Huston
- Mavis Hutchinson, Good Shepherd MCC, Granville, Australia
- Ruby Chirstine Hutchison, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- William Ingersoll
- Michael Irwin, MCC Knoxville, TN
- Rev. Jack Isbell, MCC Washington DC
- Rev. Heather Marie Janes, Open Arms MCC, Rochester NY.
- George Jardert
- Caroline Jarvis-Holt, MCC Windsor
- Bernie Jeffs, Good Shepherd MCC, Granville, Australia
- Larry Jetter
- Francis Joachim
- Jim Johner
- Allen Johnson, Lighthouse MCC
- Charlie Johnson, Good Samaritan Parish, Toledo, OH
- Donald Johnson
- Gary Alen Gram Johnson
- Greg Johnson, Good Shepherd Parish MCC, Chicago, IL
- James Benjamin Johnson, MCC Tampa, FL
- Joseph Johnson, Good Shepherd Parish MCC, Chicago, IL
- Joseph Alan Johnson, MCC United Church in the Valley
- Kevin Johnson, MCC London, Canada
- Scott Johnson
- Steven Johnson, MCC Detroit, MI
- Fred Johnston
- Rev. Bob Jones
- Bobby Jones, Redeemer MCC, Flint, MI
- Amy Boyett Jones
- Rev. Carlos Jones
- Donald Jones
- Mark S. Jones
- Milton Ross Jones, MCC of the Rockies, Denver, CO
- Rev. Tom Jordan, MCC St. Louis
- Javier Jorge-Reyes, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Jason Benjamin Josaphat, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Todd Joyner, Good Shepherd MCC, Granville, Australia
- Father Mychal Judge, Chaplain to the FDNY
- Eddie Jamoldroy Justice, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Bill K.
- Catl Kahaiewai, Good Samaritan MCC, Whittier
- Grayne Kam
- Dr. Frank Kameny
- Rev Gina Kanga-Chapman, Good Samaritan MCC, Whittier, California
- William Anthony Karnes
- John Kempf, Trinity MCC, Gainesville, FL
- Alan Kendall, MCC Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
- John Kendall, Good Shepherd MCC, Granville, Australia
- Deacon George Kennedy, MCC Dallas, Dallas, TX
- Sister Magora Kennedy, First General Conference
- Rev. Dr. Sherry L. Kennedy, SunCoast Cathedral MCC, Venice, FL
- Susan Diane Kenyon, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- John Richard Keohane
- Gene Keuning, MCC of the Coachella Valley
- Geoffrey Kiem, Good Shepherd MCC, Granville, Australia
- Joseph Killian
- Rich Killingsworth
- Robert Wayne Kinney, Baton Rouge MCC, All Saints MCC (Atlanta GA),
- Shawn Kinney
- Lee Kippe, Saint John The Apostle MCC, Fort Myers FL
- Judy Kiser, wife of Rev. Delores Berry
- Mark Knodell
- Bill Knox
- Doug Koeling
- Rev. Jake Kopmeier
- Charles Kopp
- Larry Kramer
- Fr. David Kromer, Former MCC Clergy
- David Krumroy
- Bob Robert Kwater, Eternal Joy MCC, Dayton, OH
- Ron Laatsch
- Kevin Lally
- Gean Lalonde
- Dawn Marie Lambert, MCC Greater St. Louis
- Ray Lambert, Lighthouse MCC
- Shirley Lambert, Wife of Rev. Marge Ragona
- Rev. Wally Lanchester, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Patrick A. Landon
- Rick Lane
- Gary Lanham
- Kevin Larrabee
- John Larsen, MCC of the Palm Beaches, FL
- John Larson, Tree of Life MCC, Ann Arbor, MI
- Rev. William R. Larson, (MCC Pastor) The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Anthony Luis Laureanodisla, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Carl Lawrence, MCC San Francisco
- Dr James Lawrence, Good Shepherd MCC, Granville, Australia
- Bill Leavens
- Ferris LeBlanc, The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Kelly Lee
- Rev. Liz Leech, Love MCC, Nevada
- Char LeForest, MCC Windsor, Ontario, Canada
- Christopher Andrew Leinonen, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Stephin Lemlin
- Michael Lepore
- Rev. Jean Levy
- Rev. Jim Lewey
- Charlie Lewis, MCC Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
- Harold Lewis, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Rob Lewis-Kendell, Cape Cod MCC ext of MCC Boston, MA
- Linda Leona ‘Stella’ Linares, St. Jude’s MCC, Wilmington, NC
- Rev. Calvin Lindley, MCC San Diego, CA
- Tom Lindsey
- Martin Lipp
- Lloyd Long, Good Samaritan Parish, Toledo, OH
- Jody Longman, Casa de Cristo MCC, MCC Los Angeles, DeColores MCC, MCC in the Valley, Founder’s MCC, Los Angeles, CA
- Danny Lopez, Iglesia Fundadora De La Comunidad Metropolitana Los Angeles, CA
- Martin Lounsberry
- Joe Loverbox, Good Shepherd Parish MCC, Chicago, IL
- Kelly Loving, Club Q, Colorado Springs
- Cory Lowther
- Rev. Louis Loynes
- Robert ‘Bob’ Lumpkin, The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Rev. Mary Luna-Wolf
- Roger Lund, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Rev Clain Lust, MCC Olympia, WA
- Rev Pat Lynch, Father of Stephen Campbell’s
- Rev. Artie MacDonald
- Jim MacGregor
- Larry MacIndoo
- George Mageean
- Carl Magil-Knitig, MCC Pomona Valley, Pomona, CA
- Rev. Don Magil-Knitig, MCC Pomona Valley, Pomona, CA
- Rev. Dan Mahoney
- Elder Michael Mank, MCC San Francisco, CA
- Mark Mann, Holy Covenant MCC, Chicago, IL
- Dave Manor
- Leon Richard Maples, The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Sue Markham, Saint John The Apostle MCC, Fort Myers FL
- Robert ‘Bob’ Marko
- Charlie Marquardt
- Christine ‘Squeaky’ Marquardt
- Rev. Marilyn Marr, Early UFMCC Pastor
- Arthur Marsh, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Bill Marshall, Good Shepherd MCC, Granville, Australia
- Derek Scott Marshall
- Arthur Martin, MCC London, Canada
- Teddie Martin, Good Shepherd MCC, Granville, Australia
- Tony Martin, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Alejandro Barrios Martinez, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Joe Martinez, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Lino Martinez
- Waleska Martinez
- Norm Mason
- Doug Matson, Good Shepherd Parish MCC, Chicago, IL
- Carl Matthes
- George Steven Matyil, The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Del Mayes, Tree of Life MCC
- Patricia Ann McAneney
- Steve McCaughin
- Dr. Gary McClelland
- Clarence Joseph McCloskey, Jr., The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Brenda Lee Marquez McCool, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Ralph McCoy
- Paul Doran aka ‘Pill Münroe’ McCurdy, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Rev. B.J. ‘Beau’ McDaniels, former MCC clergy
- Rev. George McDermott
- Robert McKeever
- Patrick McLaughlin, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Ken McLaughlin-Tredick, MCC Dayton, Ohio
- Ted McLaughlin-Tredick, MCC Dayton, Ohio
- Fr. John McNeill, Friend of UFMCC
- Rev. Don McRae, MCC Windsor, Canada
- Fred McVey
- Bynum Meadows, Grace Fellowship MCC, Henderson, NC
- Connie Meadows, UFMCC Staff
- Rev. Patrick Mechan
- Rev. Patrick Mechum, MCC Pittsburgh, PA
- Eddie Medina
- Gilberto Ramon Silva Menendez, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Wesley Mercer
- William Mertes
- Bill Mertz
- Sean Michael
- Rev. Richard Mickley, The Philippines
- Wayne Mielke
- Al Miller, Trinity MCC, Gainesville, FL.
- Jeff Minea
- Rev. Prentice Minner
- Ron E. Miori
- Marcos Mirabal
- Duane George ‘Mitch’ Mitchell, (MCC Assistant Pastor) The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Gene Mitchell, St. John the Apostle, Fort Myers, FL
- Rev. Michael Moffatt
- Steve Mohr
- Rev. Dennis Moore, MCC San Jose, CA
- Paul Moore
- Robert ‘Boby’ Moore
- Ken Morgan
- Carol Morris, MCC Windsor
- Kimberly Morris, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- William Baxter Morrison, MCC of the Blue Ridge, Roanoke, VA
- Harry Mortimer, MCC of the Palm Beaches
- Joe Mortz, MCC Santa Barbara & MCC San Diego, CA
- Scooter Motdoch
- Stephanie Mott, MCC of Topeka, Kansas
- Rev. Gerald Motto, MCC Dallas, New Orleans, Cincinnatti, Highland Callifornia
- Bill Mueller
- Charles Munoz
- Daniel Munoz
- George Murphy, MCC San Diego
- Rev. Frank Murr
- Akyra Monet Murray, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Doug Muth
- Francis Muto
- Paul Edward Myers, New Life MCC, Hagerstown, MD
- Troy Naranjo
- Rev. Dr. Pablo Navarro, ICM Cristo Sanador, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico
- Dr. Elijah Nealy
- Rev. Jay Neeley, Gulf and Lower Atlantic District Coordinator
- Glenn Matthew Nelson-Sterman
- Janine Nicholls, Good Shepherd MCC, Granville, Australia
- Al Nicola, Spouse of Reverend Dan Bennett
- J. Peter Niland
- Ernest Nino-Walker
- Gary Nixon, Mel White’s husband
- Greg Noecker
- Celia Noriega, MCC United Church in the Valley
- Rev. June Norris, MCC San Diego, San Diego, CA
- Denis O’Callaghan
- Luis Omar Ocasio-Capo, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Cliff O’Connor
- Richard O’Dell
- Jesse Odin
- Rourke B. O’Donnell, MCC of the Lehigh Valley, PA
- Philip Paul ‘Roxie Eddie’ Ognibene
- Floyd Samuel Ohler
- Carol O’Leary
- Tom O’Loughlin, MCC New Haven, CT, Assistant District Coordinator
- Seamus L. O’Neal
- Matt Orley, Founding Member of Angels of Hope
- Professor Kenneth Orr, Good Shepherd MCC, Granville, Australia
- Geraldo A. Ortiz-Jimenez, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Eric Ivan Ortiz-Rivera, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Dennis Osborne, Church of Our Savior MCC
- Daniel ‘Josh’ O’Sullivan, Holy Covenant MCC, Chicago,
- Jim Oswald, Joy MCC, Orlando, FL
- Michael Otera
- David Owens, aChurch4Me, Chicago, IL.
- Rev Katie Palin Cassidy ‘Kay Palin’
- Michael Palmer
- Joel Rayon Paniagua, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- David Parziale, MCC of the Palm Beaches
- Victor Pass
- Rev. Kathy Patrick
- Judy Patterson, MCC Louisville, KY
- Ashley Paugh, Club Q, Colorado Springs
- Joel Payne
- David Peck
- Hector Pena
- Jean Carlos Mendez Perez, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Ben Perkins
- Doug Perkins, Good Samaritan Parish MCC, Toledo, OH
- Judd Perrine
- Edith ‘Mom’ Perry, MCC Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
- Rev. David Pettitt, ICM Casa de Luz
- Rev. John Pfleiderer
- Mary Helen Phelps, Mother of Angel Celeste Collie
- Freda Mae Thomas Phillips, aChurch4Me, Chicago, IL.
- Jack Pickett
- Bill Pierce
- Rev. Robert Pierce
- Robert Pierce
- Rev. Steve Pieters, aids ministry, UFMCC
- Jerry Pike
- Ron Pile
- Tom Pile
- Art Plasrett
- Jo Ellen Ploeger, MCC Detroit, MI
- Rev. Elder Richard Ploen, Elder UFMCC
- Paul Popiel, aChurch4Me, Chicago, IL.
- Jimmy Powell, Redeemer MCC, Flint, MI
- Greg Powers
- Stuart Pratt
- C. Christopher Pressley, MCC of the Blue Ridge, Roanoke, VA
- Rev. David Pressley
- Joe Preston
- Rev. Deb Price
- Lesliane Pruitt, Illiana MCC, IN
- Phil Pruzan, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Peter Psalm
- Rev. Dr. William Lewis Pugh, II
- Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Pulling, MCC in the Valley, North Hollywood, CA
- Tom Pumper
- Tom Pyie
- Kevin G. Quattlebaum, MCC Boston & Sun Coast Cathedral MCC
- Alan Radford, Good Shepherd MCC, Granville, Australia
- John Randall, MCC London, Canada
- Frank Rausch
- Michael Redding
- Vy Reed, MCC Detroit
- Marilyn D. Reedy, MCC of our Redeemer, Augusta, GA
- Fred Reeves
- Jeff Reeves, Green Bay, WI
- Randy Reeves
- Chuck Renslow
- George Reyes
- Rene Richard
- Lorraine Richer, MCC London, Canada
- Enrique L. Rios,Jr., The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Jeff Roach
- Chuck Roberts
- Gary Roberts
- Rebecca Roberts, Open Table Dinner Church MCC, Cambridge, MA
- Rob Roberts
- Rev. Stan Roberts
- Alan Robertson
- Rev. Sandy Robinson
- William Rock, Father of Rev. Jeff Rock
- Ben Rodermond
- Jean C. Nives Rodriguez, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Don Ross, MCC of the Redwood Empire, CA
- Jon Rowe
- Chuck Rozema
- Bessie Rudolph
- Kathy Ruhl, MCC Sacramento, CA
- Derrick Rump, Club Q, Colorado Springs
- Judy Ruppert, MCC Of the Spirit, Harrisburg, PA
- Rev. Ron Russell-Coons, Trinity MCC, Sarasota, FL & Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Rev. Carlton Rutherford, St. John’s MCC, Raliegh, NC
- Mitch Samuels
- Dean Sandmire
- Rev. Elder Jim Sandmire, Golden Gate MCC, San Francisco, CA
- Christopher Joseph Sanfeliz, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Dona Rita Maria de Camargo Santos
- Lou Sarto
- Ninure Saunders, Good Shepherd Parish MCC, Chicago, IL
- Ron Sawhill
- Cynthia Scaife, MCC Windsor
- Martin Scheepers
- Fr. Steven J Scherer, Green Bay, WI
- Carol Scherfenberg, Founder MCC
- Dennis Joseph Schilling, Resurrection MCC, Houston, TX
- Gary Schluter
- Donald Schoenwether, Father of Paula Schoenwether
- Marian Schoenwether, Mother of Paula Schoenwether
- Philip Schoenwether, Brother of Paula Schoenwether
- Robert Schuppe, aChurch4Me, Chicago, IL.
- James Schwantes, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Karl Scott
- Rev. Virgil Scott
- Karen Sears, MCC Windsor
- Doug Sechman, Jesus MCC (now lifeJourney), Indianapolis, IN
- Dan Seery
- Ernest Wayne Self, Peninsula Metropolitan Community Church, San Mateo, California
- Xavier Emmanuel Serrano Rosado, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Rev. Julia Seward, St. Luke’s MCC, Jacksonville, FL
- Paul Sheldon
- Dan Shellhorn, MCC Washington DC
- Dennis Eugene Shelman
- Jonee Shelton, Chair MCC Commission on the Laity
- Matthew Shepherd, Other Victims of LGBTQ hate crimes
- Deacon Emeritus Ray Shepherd, MCC Detroit
- Randy Shilts
- Jesse Shirley, Harvest MCC
- Rick Shoebottom, MCC London, Canada
- Patrick Siegrfried
- Earl Silvers, New Creation MCC, Columbus, OH
- Peter Sinclair
- Thomas James Sizemore, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Rev. Bill Smith
- Deason Carol Smith, MCC of the Coachella Valley, Coachella Valley, CA
- Catherine T. Smith
- Rev. Elder Freda Smith
- Gene Smith
- Mary Smith
- Rev. Willie Smith, MCC Los Angeles, CA
- Jim Snodgras, MCC of the Coachella Valley
- Leslie Snow, MCC United Church in the Valley
- Dave Snyder
- Matthew Snyder
- Sid Soita
- Yilmary Rodriguez Solivan, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Rev. Elder Jorge Sosa
- Rev. Myke Sotero, Northern Sanctuary MCC, the Philippines
- Edward Sotomayor, Jr., The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Warren Spear
- Jim Spenille
- Roger Spiecher
- Right Rev. John Spong
- Tommy Spotts
- Charles St. Pierre, MCC London, Canada
- Rev. Sue Stackhouse, Emerald City MCC, Seattle, WA
- Don Stegeman
- Alison Macnamara Stein, MCC Toronto, Canada
- Sandra Steward
- Frank Storm
- Larry Stratton, The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Pat Strong, MCC London, Canada
- Bob Stump
- Kurt Stutzman
- Kevin Styers
- Rev. Julie Two Suess, First MCC Atlanta, GA
- Lowell Sullivan
- Ron Summers
- Glen Surtrick-Harrison
- Frank Suter
- Benson Sutter, MCC London, Canada
- Rev. Elder Hong Tan
- Bill Taylor
- Lance Taylor
- Pete Taylor, MCC in the Valley
- Rev. Sandy Taylor
- Patty Tenney, MCC Pomona Valley
- Dr. Eugene Thomas, Holy Covenant MCC
- Steve Thomas
- Richard David Thomson, First MCC, Wichita, KS
- Michael Tidler, Mobile, AL
- Lloyd Tittle
- Bill Tobiasson
- Carson Tomas
- Shane Evan Tomlinson, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Shelby Topp
- Larry Torres
- Martin Benitez Torres, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Rev Joseph Totten-Red, MCC DC, MCC of West Hollywood, MCC Santa Barabara, MCC Baltimore
- Lelano Toy
- Dennis Tracy
- Rev. Larry Uhrig, MCC Washington, DC
- Linda L. Van Arnum, Open Doors MCC, Boyds, MD
- ‘Papa’ Paul Van Heck
- Diane Kay Vanaman
- Raymond Green Vance, Club Q, Colorado Springs
- Tim Vaughn
- Jonathan Antonio Camuy Vega, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Jim Veilleur
- Franky Jimmy Dejesus Velazquez, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Juan P. Rivera Velazquez, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Victor Victor
- Luis S. Vielma, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Todd Waggoner
- Janna Wagner, MCC Lubbock, TX
- Paul Wagner
- Mel Wald
- David Wayne Walker
- Rev. Thomas Walker
- Thomas Walker
- Rev Geoff Walker DFC, Good Shepherd MCC, Granville, Australia
- Bobby Wang
- David Ward
- Tim Warnburg
- Patric Warner
- Eddie Hosea Warren, The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Rev. Howard Warren, Jesus MCC (now lifeJourney), Indianapolis, IN
- Jack Warren
- James Curtis Warren, The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Mrs. Willie Inez Warren, The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Dr. Perry Lane Waters, Jr., The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Rev. Emmitt Watkins, MA
- Meryl Watson, Good Shepherd MCC, Granville, Australia
- Rev. Rick Weatherly
- Coralee Webb, MCC United Church in the Valley
- Rev. Roger Webb
- Patrick Weisenburger
- Dennis Wellman, Jesus MCC, Indianapolis, IN
- Rev. Howard Wells
- Bob Welton
- Rev. Nevin L. Wertenberger
- Eric West
- Len West
- Ken West-Gale, MCC San Diego
- Don Wheatley
- Troy Wheeler
- Billy Wheless
- Gregory James Wherry
- Chuck White, MCC in the Valley
- Gary White, Wichita Falls MCC, TX
- Rev. Elder Jean White
- Keith White
- William Thomas White, Good Shepherd MCC, Granville, Australia
- Rev. Woody White
- Gay Whiteside, MCC Detroit, Detroit, MI
- Margaret Whyte, Good Shepherd MCC, Granville, Australia
- Keith Wienner
- Herb Wiggley, Dallas, TX
- William Nash Wilkinson
- Fr. John Willet, Chicago, IL
- Brian Williams
- Douglas Maxwell Williams, The New Orleans MCC Fire
- Rev Mark Williams, MCC Dallas
- Earl Williamson
- Barbara Chase Wilson, Mother of Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson
- Gary Wilson
- Jack Wilson, Parter of Rev. Lee Carlton
- Jim Wilson
- John Wilson, Trinity MCC Gainesville
- Luis Daniel Wilson-Leon, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Rev. Brad Wishon
- Keith Gordon Wismer
- Bob Wissel, MCC of the Redwood Empire, CA
- Rev. Bob Wolfe, MCC Toronto, Canada
- Robert Douglas Wolfe
- Rev. Nathan Woodruff, Promise MCC, Oakcliff, TX
- Jerald Arthur Wright, The Pulse Nightclub, Orlando
- Jim Wulk, Founding member of Angels of Hope
- Rev. Edwin Yates, Good Samaritan Parish MCC Toledo
- Rev. Darlene Young, Safe Harbour MCC, Hallifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
- Frank Zerilli, UFMCC Headquarters
Please email me (gangalf ‘at’ live ‘dot’ com) with names you wish to add or corrections that need to be made.